Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pictures and Info

We took a trip to some interesting locations last week, one of them being Nazareth.

One of our stops was a preserved ancient town within Nazareth, complete with in character performers. Touristy, but still intriguing.
Here is Rivkah, "grinding" some olives. In taking the picture I didn't realize that there was actually ground olive residue on the stone, and leaning against it, I was slimed with olive oil and pulp.

Ironically, we had a 4th of July party in Israel, and invited friends and neighbors to partake in some traditional "American" food (hamburgers, chips, beans, and apple pie). Below, some of the ladies take part in a Chubby Bunny game. For those not familiar with this torturous event, it involves stuffing marshmellows into your mouth until you can no longer say "chubby bunny". It's gross.

Here are a couple friends from that night.

I have dubbed this week "The Week of the Scorpion", as we've had two scorpion encounters. First of all, I was startled by one crawling toward me across the bedroom floor. I caught him, then asked the girls if they wanted to see him. They didn't, but we did have a big debate whether to set him free or squish him. The first one went free.
Encounter number two: as I was picking up my guitar case and slinging it over my back, I noticed a slight movement on the part that would have been on my back, and paused to investigate. Another scorpion! This one died (as pictured below). We were informed that these darker ones aren't deadly, just ridiculously painful. It's the lighter colored ones that you really need to watch out for, as they can be fatal.

On that note, I'm done. We're going to the Dead Sea this week, so we should have some good stories soon...

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