Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flying Across the U.S./In Ohio

It has been a while since I have been able to connect to the internet. We made it to Ohio! We will be leaving for Israel Friday morning at 6:30AM.

Here we are at the Portland airport, last Saturday with our friend Ariel:
We all flew into Chicago, and then Ariel flew straight to Ohio, whereas we had to fly to Maryland first. Airlines are strange. Here are some pictures from the airplane window as we flew from Chicago to Maryland:

From Maryland we flew to Ohio, where we have been learning a bit about the Israeli culture and some of the other friends we are going with. Here we all are:

More to come.
The Lanes

1 comment:

Heather Mowrer said...

Oh c'mon, anybody can hold up one person. I wanna see a pyramid!