Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We're here!

We arrived Sunday, quite tired from all the flying and jet-lag. It seems we've all adjusted to the time difference pretty quickly, although I (Ryan) picked up a cold during the travel. Blah. Working in 100 degree weather with a cold isn't the greatest, but my energy level has held up. Bekah and I are in a little apartment on the Kibbutz, and our friends are in another house. The other girls are working in the "factory", which is actually a small air conditioned room where medical cloth/material is folded and packaged. Bekah (Rivkah in Hebrew) and I are helping our friend Israel (a man, not the nation) with the gardening and ground work. He is a fun personality.
Here are a few pictures for you:

First, here we are on our way to our Kibbutz, overlooking the sea of Galilee. The Kibbutz is at the top right of the sea.

Here is a closer view from the same vantage point. We are the cluster of trees, buildings, and houses between the mountains and the sea.

This little guy followed us home the other night. He was a brave fellow.

Here is our little friend, chomping my hand. Apparently he doesn't like to have his picture taken.....


Liz said...

You should keep him! He will be your mimi and you can call him MiMi!!! And he looks just like my MiMi's!!! Wow. Your first Israeli pet already! Let me know if you need veterinary advice. Heh heh heh.

Heather Mowrer said...

Don't be a pansy! You worked at a preschool for a year. I know you've enduring worse than kitty chomps.